Thursday, November 20, 2014

   A song that I can say is really one of my favorite songs is Joy and Pain, by Frankie Beverly and Mase. This song is honestly one of my favorite songs because this song reminds me of life, how precious it is how the people I have in my  life is precious as well. This song reminds me of family and more importantly my Nana, who was my great-grandmother that passed away.Before my Nana passed away, when she was in the hospital and was still her self  I went to go see her in the hospital with my two aunts, my brother and my Uncle When we left when my uncle was driving all of us back home, this was the song that was playing in the car. I went to go see my Nana on the easter, the year of 2012, that was the last time I saw her before she passed away.  This song is a reminder to me of her.

   This song reminds me of family and life because I feel like its saying that life is a precious gift and you need to live it with no regrets. It reminds me of family because it is also talking about family how family will really get on your nerves til the point that you just don't know what to do,  but at the end of the day that's your family and you always going to love them and be there for them, just like they love you and will be there for you.